Friday, April 12, 2013

I've Worked Here Three Years and All I've Gotten Is This Lousy T-Shirt

Today (April 12th 2013) marks my three year anniversary with WSLP and North Country Radio…I was 23 when I slid into the role of Morning show host…I was scared, I was so nervous  leading to one listener commenting  “You sound like you’re on crack…I love you but can’t keep up with you.” Since then I’d like to believe I’ve mellowed…Maybe it’s because of all the hats I wear, or just the comfortable groove I’ve hallowed out in studio chair but as I think about it...Likely it’s the t-shirts.

The international currency for broadcasting should be t-shirts in my humble opinion.. If that was the case no broadcaster would go hungry, they would all live in lavish houses, have fast cars and Radio would be the most lucrative business of all time. Since I started working in radio (with Radio Disney in 2005) I’ve developed quite the collection.  Most of them haven’t seen the light of day for  months, some see work pretty regularly…

The other day I was looking through this collection and realized how much more they were than pieces of cloth…The significance behind the shirt is more than just something that covers your body, it covers your soul, your passion, your path. From my first ever Radio Disney T-Shirt, to my much loved and worn Curry College WMLN t-shirt, to the shirt I’m wearing right now a Forrest green T from last years I Love BBQ and Music Festival here in Lake Placid.  These shirts tell a story.. My story, a story  that I’ve shared with so many people .

Never give up the chance at a free shirt. It’s more a symbol than a shirt. It will tell your path, it will keeping  those unspeakable  moments fresh in your mind. With every wash the stains may come out, but those feelings won’t.  Maybe you met a listener and saw the impact you made in their eyes? Maybe that shirt represents a moment where you saw a community come together for the common good of each other?  Maybe just maybe, that shirt symbolizes just how much you’ve grown?  I’m not just talking about going from a Small to a XL. 

I know in the span of time 3 years is nothing…What’s another year? However I really need to thank some people and I hate to single out anyone.  Please excuse the vagueness  as many make an impact daily…But here’s just a short list of thank you’s I have been meaning to put out lately.

God, he/she  knows why.

My family and my friends…For keeping me in check, rooted and clear in what is most important, being honest in self and action

The communities of the Tri-Lakes, Adirondacks, and the world via Twitter/Facebook: I’ve been able  to reach so many people and so many people have been able to reach me that care about community and are interested in starting mornings off with a smile  and a celebration wherever they may be.
Jim, James, Bonnie, John, Jon, Harley, Angie, Boz and everyone else here at North Country Radio who I’ve shared so many amazing moments with, laughs, and once in awhile a tear or two. It’s amazing what a small determined group can do.

The radio people in my life that inspire me, that guide me, these talents are so awe inspiring , uber  creative and  most of all passionate. Some who have reached out to me, in some pretty tough times and helped me elevate my game.  Some have no clue, others you know exactly who you are…

Cheers !! and I’ll be sending out the commemorative T-shirts tomorrow. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Failing with Style

In my life, I’ve never failed.

I’ll make that claim right now, maybe it’s because of my own personal philosophy and definition of what failing is, or maybe it’s because I continuously feel like a failure…and I know the difference between being and feeling. In any case I am putting it out there, I’ve never failed…but maybe I need too? Maybe we need too and maybe I/we already have?


This April I will be celebrating 3 Years at WSLP serving the Tri-Lakes of the Adirondacks.. In that time I've done some amazing things that have surprised people and myself… I've grown so much as a personality and a talent…In that time we've added a new station,  a new title, and another full Morning show live and… solo.. I don’t think anyone would see this and say “Varga, way to fail.” Inside it’s another story.

The new station isn’t going as well as we would like. I am making educated guesses, working on my untested philosophy, in my new PD role, to some success as those who listen like it, but the sales aren't matching the comments and the sneaky sense of failure rears it’s head. At the same time WSLP is suffering a tad, making things seem worse… failure seems more subtle now.

I've been trying to find inspiration to be honest…As I talk with other talents, and read blogs, I've come to realize that insecurity and failure is rampant in Radio right now. With the changing landscape, new technologies, aging talent pool and the bigger problem that goes un-discussed, on how to tap into the younger generation …Failure is in the back of many in the industry’s minds not just my own. So what should we do? LET’S GO TO DISNEYWORLD!

Yes, let’s go to  Disneyworld! Not only because I think we would have fun, I’d give you whip lash on the teacups and walking around with a turkey leg sounds amazing right now…The real reason for our trip however is to see a place built brick by brick because of failure. If it wasn't for the failure this magical place would not exist. It’s amazing to see all the failures and adversity Walt had to overcome. Disney had one thing others didn't: The insight to overcome failure.

The truth is that Radio will fail. However as an industry we need to have that insight, and that ability to strategize and understand that because we have failed does not mean we are done…It means we have another opportunity to do better, to build, to achieve the dream and continue this amazing tradition. Embracing that you will fail, I believe makes you far from a failure. Personally my trip didn’t make me any less afraid of failing but it did prepare me for it…Whatever happens here, in my life professionally, personally, whatever happens as an industry it will happen…Embrace it. Take a moment to have the insight to learn, from the lumps and bruises and rise up, so you can dive head first again, and again and again till the goal, the dream is achieved.

Out of my trip to Disney I wanted to share with you quickly my vision for “Radio Varga” Soon I will launch RadioVarga.Com a website filled with great people and resources for young radio broadcasters. I plan on interviewing and showing off great young talents, that I have the pleasure of knowing to share their stories. Highlighting established talents willing to help and mentor the next generation, and a resource page filled with great people willing to help young (and old) talents achieve their dream. In the future I’m also planning on posting jobs specifically for those looking to break into broadcasting. I hope to have this up by the end of April! Look for that, and if you want to connect with me about it shoot me an e-mail

Please share and comment if it so fits you and to paraphrase Buzz Lightyear…Fail with style today and always live and love some life!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Be a Simple Kind of Broadcaster

Today I write to you as a humbled person…as a simple man. Being in the public eye, it’s easy to get an overinflated ego, making it easy to forget why you are behind a microphone in the first place… Maybe I am over stepping, but let’s be honest , if went into Radio just for yourself…you’re in it for the wrong reason…because the impact that you can have is something that you can’t even phantom, and honestly sitting in a little soundproof room you can forget. So what is my purpose in radio well among many ..

 October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month, and yesterday (Oct 2nd) was declared a day to talk, to shed light on this silent epidemic, that claims many victims and because of the taboo nature casts many survivors to the void of silence…. One of my goals in my career is to not forget what that pain felt like, the pain of suffering in silence. Growing up in a voice crushing domestic violence situation I’ve been on a mission to never let that happen again. On Oct 2nd I decided to do something a little different beyond me just saying I’m a survivor and throwing out some links..I decided to tell a story…my story… my mother’s story.

 The Interview is below…
                                  My Mom (Joan) and I at her surprise 50th Birthday July 2011

The response was nothing short of breath taking and brings tears to my eyes as I write this…immediately a listener called to share her support, the podcast of was circulated and many survivors and groups reached out to tell me what it meant to them. It made me think about what it was like to be a little boy, that shell of what a little boy should be, filled with anger, hurt and pain and how much life I lost feeling that way. Now as an adult, happy, mostly mentally stable and most importantly safe, living a dream I didn’t see why I was getting the accolades I did because honestly how irresponsible would it be if I stayed quiet?

As you continue your career in radio, or broadcasting or maybe just living life, I urge you not to settle for silence whatever that cause is…Your listeners, your family your friends your co-workers might you’re your voice because these causes because these people you interact with daily are climbing that same mountain that you have climbed, to get where you are now.

 So SHOUT! Shout from your peak and raise your voice! Your echo will lift people climbing that same mountain and point them to the top… Allowing them to achieve and have a chance, to have the opportunity to breathe what it’s like to be at the top.

 I listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd “Simple Man” a lot …and today as a young broadcaster, or old broadcaster I ask you to be something you love and understand, to have conviction, to stand up for a cause, and be humbled, be a simple kind of broadcaster… If you want to find out more about domestic violence, I urge you to check out the following links:

National Domestic Violence Hotline a Social Campaign to break the cycle

National Coalition to End Domestic Violence

 I also want to take this time to thank Kim Wells the Executive Director of the Corporate Alliance to end partner violence for being an amazing beacon for survivors and victims’ alike… Please connect with her if you want an amazing interview..

CAEPV Website
CAEPV on Facebook

I also want to thank fellow broadcasters, friends and family who wore purple to support victims and survivors of domestic violence…Including Jadd Naamani of Kiss 108 in Boston …Mike Cross one of my best friends in Clifton Park, Phil Carr and Chris Dawson of the Tri City Valley Cats in Troy NY and just overall good people...Michael Berthiaume a golfer extraordinaire, Kellie Schramek a hair stylist and an amazing ex business partner of mine , Laura Lachell of correctional eyecare and also an amazing friend, Becky Coon-Ryan aka Radar looked amazing in purple and everyone else who wore a purple, a little bit or a whole bunch…the light you shed, was amazing… Thanks for reading and I hope you continue the conversation that was started today…

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Running On Empty

“When’s the last time you took a vacation?”

“Does a long weekend count?” I replied to our 17 year old summer intern.

“Long weekend doesn’t count,  nor going to visit your parents, or going to weddings or anything like that…When’s the last time you took a vacation? Like a full week, like 7 days?”

Her question was easy enough, it shouldn’t have taken me so long to answer.. .A full week? It seemed so foreign to even think about.  I didn’t even take the day after Christmas off. In 2012, I took that long weekend for my friend’s wedding in July…but a full week? Never in my radio career…ever.

Lately I’ve been working a lot…Even my dog has given me the eye as to say “Varga slow your roll”.  It’s really ground me down. I’ve been feeling so insecure about things lately.  My performance, my personal and professional relationships, my career direction all have been sources of sleepless nights…At times the thought has even past my mind.. “Am I burnt out”?

My worst fear, one that I had coming out of college, to be not even 26 and be burnt out. To be full of talent but be so fried you’re thrown on the scrap heap, because you’re “Damaged”.  It’s a hard feeling, the feeling that your dream won’t be realized, that your path might end right there in-front of your eyes.  It’s a feeling that can send you into a tailspin into depression, a feeling that can put you into a place that pushes people away, and unknowingly, YOU push yourself onto that scrap heap before anyone else has the opportunity to.
Self-defeat, we’ve talked about it sinking you as a young broadcaster…It’s everywhere…When you’ve been overworked,  when you look at your paycheck and your  debt and shake your head because you know this dream isn’t paying it down fast enough.  When your friends invite you to go out but you can’t because you don’t have it in your budget, and you have to work in the morning anyway even if it was.  This is where the self-defeat, the questions, the feelings of being burnt out creep in muddying your brain making you think your path isn’t there that your dream isn’t obtainable…

It takes a strong person to admit that they aren’t at the top of their game, that something is wrong. Especially when you’re a young broadcaster trying to prove yourself trying every day to show you belong.  However just by being you and putting the tough work in, saying yes when other’s say no, and going above and beyond your situation will prove it, but you need to consider this.. You can’t say yes, you can’t go above and beyond without giving yourself a chance to recharge.

Just like your phone you need to take time to recharge.  Some people have bigger batteries than others, it happens it’s life. So know the size of your battery and just because I haven’t taken a full on VK in 2 and half years ish and just now feeling empty, doesn’t mean that’s appropriate about you.  So please find your balance…but no matter the size of your battery find a way to recharge it…If you’re like me, you can’t take a full fledge vacation because of budget and life restrictions this is where little moments will help zap a little life into your battery.

 Get a dog, and walk your dog, don’t bring your cell phone,  just go out and have some one on one time with this animal that doesn’t care if you messed up at work, or that you’re stressed all they care about is that you love them and they are outside.  The key to this is getting outside, getting some natural vitamins…encounter some beautiful women or men…and let’s be honest the fresh air does wonders to shake of the nasty smells that pop up in the studio.  If you have a cat and feel compelled to walk it, I dig weird but be prepared for those beautiful women or men to laugh at you.

Secondly, Interact with your listeners…Get to know them, when appropriate even feel free to hug them. Take in that excitement they have because they see you, or they won a prize or something and use it a little bit for you. It’s amazing boost when you  meet a listener and they tell you about their lives and all of a sudden you realize you’re not even close to the point you thought you were…It’s quite amazing and will strengthen your relationships with your listeners too.

Thirdly, Don’t go it alone, I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. But open yourself up to trust peers. It’s not weak to share your feelings, and when you being to talk with other professionals it truly shows how you aren't the only one with 100 bricks on your back.  So whether it’s through twitter, e-mail, facebook message, don’t hesitate to reach out and connect but as you speak, remember it’s a two way street and listening is just as important.

And finally, If you don’t have a lot of money in your pocket like myself…Put aside any unbudgeted money you get for yourself. Maybe it’s just going out to dinner, or going out for a night with friends and just seeing where it takes you…Although be responsible and take a page from Prince Harry, you’re still in the public light…and you have to work in the morning.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Bright Spark

I’ve been thinking about writing this blog post all day, about someone I didn’t even know yet have all day felt the pain of her loss, to the point I’ve choked up a time or two, and as I write this my eyes have begun to water. I’m talking about Young broadcaster and victim of last night’s tragedy in Aurora Colorado Jessica (Ghawi ) Redfield  

                                                                                                    via Twitter (@JessicaField)

Her Blog: Jessica's Blog

I didn’t know Jessica  ; What I simply want to say  in plain terms is that she was a spark.  Just reading her words, I felt that spark. Looking at her tweets I’ve felt that spark…and seeing  the impact she left on everyone she touched she lit something in them. From the first tweet making me aware of who she was to the countless mentions from friends, family and random strangers such as myself on twitter, that was evident.

Today Jessica touched many people, she was able to connect with heart, in the most realest sense, even after being  taken away in the most unreal… the most senseless way possible.  As a young broadcaster myself, I immediately identified with Jessica’s passion. You could see it in her photo’s, in the path she was taking, and the connections that she focused on and obviously cherished. There’s no telling where Jessica’s path would have taken her, one can only assume it was to success…but as I write this tonight, I can’t help to feel that she has succeeded, not in the way she should have by being the next great sports reporter  but instead she has succeeded in showing other young broadcasters how do it right.

She certainly did it right, she wore her passion on her sleeve for everyone to see. She decided to leap when others would have skidded to a stop at the edge.  She trusted her gut, and because of that she garnered the respect from others. In your career follow Jessica’s foot steps. ..Don’t be afraid to take those chances, wear your passion on your sleeve, be honest, be real,  and do whatever it takes. Make sure that you are following the path you want, no matter if it’s smooth, rocky or full of thorns.  Be a spark no matter what level you are at, there’s no telling who you can ignite to help them and there’s no telling who will stoke your spark into a flame. Today Jessica, stoked my spark and I will make sure to carry that with me on my path…it’s a shame it had to be this way.

As the sun sets on this day full of emotions, confusion and pain…I don’t have anything else to say, except to Jessica’s family and friends whose long journey of grief has just begun…Thank you for being pillars and supporting her. I can’t even begin to understand how you feel…but please take solace in the fact Jessica’s spark will never be lost, and it will be shining bright for ages. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let's Get Personal, Person-al

Could you imagine if you couldn’t speak, not being able to communicate in anyway?  Being a young broadcaster, a tweeter, a touter, a midnight facebook stalker you would probably explode in about a minute. As broadcasters it’s our jobs to communicate, but where is the line of how much we do share?
When I first got to WSLP I gotta admit, I didn’t share much of my own life…I had a thick black line that separated my life from, private and public. Even going as far as to make a separate Listener only facebook page, a fan page to ensure that thick black line was never crossed…I made a list of things that I would expose that I would talk about often. I stuck to those topics pretty closely when I would talk about myself.  As a Young Broadcaster I had this idea of personal and public life being different, but in reality I should have been embracing that personal life. It makes for great public life stories, because people have lived those same events. Blog post done right? Wrong! No matter  how many people tell me I am wrong, and no matter how I want to be wrong I still feel there needs to be a boundary all be it to be a boundary a porous one. How did I come to this conclusion, I put some of my thoughts together that may be able to help you along.

Post it, Speak it:

Social media is your best friend as a broadcaster…It allows you to be connected almost 24/7 with your peers, friends, and fans…It’s an amazing way to extend your audience. Many talents see it as separate from their on-air personality…In reality it’s not.  The moment you step behind a microphone and open your mouth you start building a brand.  I urge you to see yourself as a brand and conduct yourself online and on-air, as close to the same as possible…This will allow you to move back and forth effectively and being able to connect, take subjects from On-Air to Online and visa versa. Don’t post something, you’re not able to back up On-Air.  So if you bitch on Social Media, about your  station, your love life, etc be prepared to talk about it…What’s that you say your bosses wouldn’t like that? You’ve already broadcasted it…

Hurdle Races are rarely run alone:

I had a hard time adjusting when I first came to WSLP I would never talk about anything bad. If something bad happened in my life, I would be tight lipped, and act my way out of it…Lately it feels right after my 25th Birthday real life issues have snuck themselves into my life and have weighed heavily on me. Figuring out how to get rid of massive debt from school, family and friends dying…And this past weekend my dog needing surgery after getting into it with one of my sisters dogs. Now everything I’ve listed still happened before my 25th birthday, but what’s the difference? The way I talked about it, I actually shared it with my listeners, before it’d be behind the deep black line, where it was protected by my own childish need for privacy. Instead this time I shared…Hey this happened, it’s on my mind…Has this ever happened to you? It made for one of my best shows as it went down roads about how to break up a dog fight, and get the conversation going, it also let me share with my listeners something about me. The response? Well let’s just say it’s hard not to keep your voice from cracking and eyes watering when a caller says they are deep concerned about your dog, and have been praying for her every night…along with others stopping me, calling me asking how she is. It helps, connect you with those listeners.  If your hurdle is that you were dumped and you want to share your secrets and talk directly to that person that hurt you because they won’t answer your texts, calls or whatever…Yeah keep that to yourself, Feel free to talk about your break up, it’s not a bad show idea, people face rejection but keep, names, specifics and FCC regulated words out of it.


Respecting Privacy:

This one is a big one for me…As an Air-Talent people will trust you, for some odd reason they will just open up their lives and tell you things you never wanted to know until you did. It’s an amazing power, and I am resisting a cliché here but you see where I am going… Having this trust from others means you have do your best to keep their situation out of your show directly but maybe  use it for inspiration on topics, be aware some of your listeners are struggling with X, run a PSA, or talk about it generally. Not only might this reach the person in need who shared with you, but also people who would never say a thing. I urge you to look in your own communities and find resources that you can direct people too. Most importantly Suicide prevention, Drug/addiction counseling/help …Domestic Violence prevention and help…Plus the non-emergency Police, Fire and EMS numbers, it could save a life or just continue to cement you as a community resource. All will help you as you continue to create and mold yourself and your brand.

Making my boundary from a thick black line to a porous meniscus has been a work in progress…I’m still doing my best. I still don’t talk about some things On-Air, and I’ve chatted with some talents who would disagree with having a boundary at all and let everything fly. It’s up to you to know your audience and know your own comfort level.  As a young broadcaster you will always be learning, always be growing and honestly this is one you have to find out for yourself…but do yourself a favor and work towards getting personal, person-al. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Laundromat

This past week I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic, It’s been 3 years since I graduated Curry College, and I’ve seen many tweets and posts from those graduating. I remember that feeling, the uncertainty, the excitement, and unfortunately the love but that’s for another blog. I remember after I graduated how cocky I was, how sure I was that In a matter of weeks a station would scoop me up…I told all my friends, “Well, if I’m around when that happens…” as time ticked by yeah, I was there for that. Not only was I there for that, I helped organize it... That summer after college, was tough, I spent most my time in my boxers, trying to re-establish friendships I wasn’t even sure wanted too…and when you trying to re-establish friendships in your boxers 8 out of 10 times you won’t. What I’m trying to say is that it’s was a rough summer, and the worst part you ask? No it wasn’t my mom walking in every day asking

 “Same boxers from Tuesday eh?” When it was Friday, no it was realizing I had a tidal wave of debt, and not one radio station even giving me any love which meant…yep plan B…needless to say it, it was less than ideal…Read about that journey below …It sucks so bad I can’t even tell you..but what I can tell you is when you get that opportunity and you work your ass off, you shine in it, you own it, all with little or no praise…sometimes you’ll question yourself but one day you’ll actually be watching those boxers, in a laundry mat like I was, and have a moment that allows you to realize its worth every moment…

 Doing laundry on a Saturday night has its benefits…1. When you check in on foursquare, all your friends will see how cool you are…It shows you plan ahead, and shows your mom you’re responsible…The drawbacks, your friends will see you checked in on foursquare and laugh at you. It actually shows you had no other time during the week to do it, as you worked pretty much 10 hours every day..and shows your mom she was actually right, which is the worse but something I see happening more and more on a daily basis. However the main truthful real benefit is that on a Saturday night you’re alone, you get the machines you want, you’re in and out, simple. Halfway through my solitary washing excursion, a blue Chevy Malibu pulls up. Out pops a woman in her 40’s. Her hair is frizzy; she’s wearing a blue shirt with blue mesh shorts bearing the Olympic logo, with blue crocs. I smile and think to myself, “They say the laundry mat is the best place to meet women.” Well it is, and to be honest I wanted to meet this women . Not for that, you sicko's but for a little research. I wanted to find out what her story was and how maybe I could apply it to the show. You can use all the show prep sheets you want, visit every website but nothing comes close about finding the pulse of your community than talking with strangers. The silence is tense between us. I didn’t identify myself…

 “What an absolutely beautiful day..” I toolishly started the conversation.

 “Why yes it was amazing” She replied… I was in, I began my covert interview…I found out in just about 20 min, that she was a single mom, her son’s name, what sports he played…How tall he was, what she thought of the team he played on and that she was adopted. Then I got personal, I asked her what the sports and traveling meant on her personal budget…Her eyes welled, as she talked about the struggle of being a single mom wanting to support her son. We went deeper talking about the struggles of guiding her son to avoid drugs and alcohol…the struggles of wanting to reach other kids who weren’t so lucky. All on a cook’s salary. She was full of pride, for her son, for her life. Wanting the best, and doing her best. I didn’t ask if she was a listener, I just sat there and listened to this unassuming super hero. Knowing there are many similar stories out there like hers… 

Our conversation lingered as I folded my clothes. Midway through folding a T-Shirt from my college radio station 91.5 WMLN..(If I’m lying I’m dying on this) she walks by and says rather bluntly “You’re on the radio aren’t you?” I smiled “Yes I do the morning show on 93-3” “I knew it! I KNEW I recognized your voice…I listen to you every morning, we work together…Well not really but every morning I listen at we kind of do! ” She continued to tell me about why she liked the show, how it had the right mix of everything…How she would often tell her co-workers to shut up when I was talking… How for 2 days when we had transmitter issues how it put her in such a mood her co workers remarked

“They better get back soon, you’re miserable” I smiled and continued to thank her as I finished folding my clothes and as I walked out the door, I shook her hand and our paths diverged. I’m telling you this story not to boost my ego, but to make you aware of your words, and your presence and how much your sacrifice will matter. When people tell you that you help make their world better…It makes you think, and it allows you to grow as a personality.

 Graduates, and young broadcasters everywhere as you strive to accomplish your dreams and your goals, take the time to listen along the way…Even if you are off the mic it’s important you ask questions to feel the pulse of people around you…It’s worth it and will help give you practice for the future when you are always interacting with listeners. You can’t control your work situation and the current job market…but you can control how ready you are, to succeed when you get there. You’ll do amazing things just keep at it, and keep realistic! I hope this post helped. I can tell you I feel truly blessed to be able to call this my profession…and I know you’ll feel the same.